Our Favourite Healthy Snack Hacks

We're not nutritionists but we are serial snackers and we take snacking very seriously. When a new product hits the shelves that fits within our calorie intake and macros we're all over it!
Here's a list of some of our favourite healthy snacks that satisfy the cravings!
1. FroPro Protein Ice-creamWe swear this tastes exactly like the real deal. You will be looking at the nutritional panel thinking, surely this can’t be right, it can’t be only 81 calories and taste this damn good! We love our ice cream so for us this is a game changer. ALSO IT HAS A 5 STAR HEALTH RATING JUST LIKE WATER!
Yo Pro Protein Ice-cream
2. Lite Aeroplane Jelly - This one is great for those sugar cravings after a healthy dinner. Make a batch on a Sunday night as part of your meal prep and reap the benefits throughout the week. Satisfy that sweet tooth.
Lite Aeroplane Jelly
3. Yo Pro - A great snack to get you through the day. Adds a bit of variety to your healthy lunch and fruit. Tastes pretty damn good, full of Protein and if you buy the 700gm tub and pack it into containers each day with your lunch, it is a nice economical option too.
YoPro Protein Yogurt
4 & 5. Tip Top Sandwich Thins with Mayvers Protein Peanut Butter - The sandwich thins are low-carb and lighter than your average bread. The Peanut Butter is the bomb. No nasties in there and packed with protein. A great snack for when you need something quick with a bit of carbs to give you some solid energy to burn without too much effort.
Mayvers Protein Peanut ButterTip Top Sandwich Thins
Healthy Snacks

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